"Let's go invent tomorrow instead
of worrying about what happened yesterday"
- Steve Jobs
The benefits of effective use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning programs are widely recognized. VIS is committed to providing staff and students with tools and resources that enhance learning, and encouragement and support to embed ICT use. As global citizens, the use of ICT to communicate ideas and information is well understood. All of our community share a responsibility for modelling ethical and responsible use.
Technology is an integral part of learning at VIS. We have a ratio of one iPad for every two students in early years to grade one. Students from grades two to five are each issued an iPad though the VIS iPad Lease Agreement Program, with students from grades six to 12 having access to VIS laptops through the Laptop Lease Program. This provides for either a school-issued laptop, or use of an owned laptop providing the owner agrees to VIS usage parameters.
Desktop computers are provided in some specialist classrooms including and an iMac Lab for Design. The Library has a mix of iPads, Kindles and laptops for student use.
Printers and scanners are provided across the campus. Printing is monitored and managed with the intent of reducing the amount of paper used by the school in line with the VIS's Vision to lead the way toward a sustainable future.
Classrooms are fitted with LCD projectors and/or smart TV's, portable speakers and secondary classrooms have interactive whiteboards. Along with scientific probes, calculators, cameras and other recording devices, students and staff can use ICT in a variety of ways to engage in the curriculum. All staff are encouraged to innovate and explore the use of devices within the learning program.