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Primary Student Council

VIS Primary Student Council

As part of our school's mission to challenge, inspire and empower, VIS offers primary students the opportunity to join the PS Student Council. Students who are elected by their peers to serve on student council are empowered to be active and responsible citizens in our school community. They are given the opportunity to take action on issues that are meaningful and relevant to the student body.

Students are chosen by their classmates and serve for one term. They meet once a week to discuss issues that originate in the classroom or out on the playground. Issues might connect directly to a Unit of Inquiry where one or more students want to take action as a result of their learning.

To help fund ideas for action, the Student Council hosts different fundraising events. These events have ranged from 'Trash and Treasure' afternoons to discos. Such events are student run and require problem-solving and thinking skills to plan, budget and coordinate.