Application Process
PLEASE NOTE: Families can apply all year round. Admitted students can enter the school anytime during the school year. Placement offers for our new school year commence from April.
Our school year commences in August and concludes in June. Check our school calendar page for more details.
Step 1
Online Registration
Submit and upload the required forms and documents in our online registration system.
It is best to complete this stage as soon as possible.
An application fee will also be required.
Step 2
Application Processing
Applications take approximately a week or less to process.
Additional information will be required to assist with the
application review to ensure that VIS can best meet student's needs.
Step 3
Principal's Review
The reviewal process typically takes a week to go through.
Review may involve additional meetings with parents, teachers or specialists to gather more relevant information.
The Head of School will give final approval before an offer can be placed.